Digital Stories

On the other side of the fence (2015)

Created by EFL teacher students at the University of Vechta/Germany. Based on an excerpt of the short story 'On the other side of the fence' by H. Leicht (1988).

Two dogs and one boy (2015)

Created by EFL teacher students at the University of Vechta/Germany inspired by two dogs and a boy.

How to be a boy (2013)

Created by pupils at Albert-Einstein-Schule in Schwalbach am Taunus/Germany taught by Dr. Oliver Patzelt. Based on the short story collection 'How to be a boy' edited by Tony Bradman (2011).

How to be a boy

Created by EFL teacher students at Ruhr-University Bochum/Germany. Based on the short story collection 'How to be a boy' edited by Tony Bradman (2011).

Borders – selected scenes (2012)

Created by EFL teacher students at Universities Bochum, Essen & Frankfurt/Germany. Based on the short story 'Borders' by Thomas King (1993).

(Funny) Cultural Differences (2011)

Created by EFL teacher students at Goethe-University Frankfurt/Germany.

further readings

  • Matz, F. & Wilden, E. (2016). Die Entwicklung narrativer und audio-visueller Kompetenzen durch selbstgemachte Videoclips: (Multi-)Literacies Pädagogik im Fremdsprachenunterricht. In: Becker, C. Blell, G. und Rössler, A. (Eds.), Web 2.0 und komplexe Kompetenzaufgaben im Fremdsprachenunterricht (pp. 187-200). Frankfurt: Lang.
  • Wilden, E. & Matz, F. (2015). How to Tell Digital Stories with Handcrafted Video Clips. A (Multi-)Literacies Approach to Foreign Language Teaching. In: Gimeno Sanz, A., Blin, F., Barr, D., Levy, M. (Eds.), WorldCALL: Sustainability and Computer-Assisted Language Learning (pp. 314-326). London: Bloomsbury.
  • Wilden, E. (2014). Crossing Borders - Ein empirisch begründetes Lehrerbildungsprojekt für den transkulturellen Literaturunterricht im Fach Englisch. In: F. Matz, M. Rogge & Ph. Siepmann (Eds.), Transkulturelles Lernen im Fremdsprachenunterricht: Theorie und Praxis (pp. 193-204). Frankfurt: Peter Lang.
  • Wilden, E. (2013). Handcrafting Video Clips to foster audio-visual literacy in the EFL classroom. Babylonia, 12 (3), pp.34-38.
  • Wilden, E. (2013). Kultur und Identität im fremdsprachlichen Literaturunterricht. Ein Projekt zur Förderung der transkulturellen Kompetenz von angehenden Englischlehrkräften. In: A. Wildemann & M. Hoodgarzadeh (Eds.), Sprachen und Identitäten (pp. 132-145). Innsbruck: StudienVerlag.